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Pizza Telegram Channel

23/06/2018 siteadmin 0

If you like to be informed about Pizza world news. The “Pitza” site last posts. Pizzerias and fast foods discount coupons. Interactive videos about making pizza. and more … Please join Pizza Telegram Channel, We won’t send you many posts every day, you will receive […]

برندهای پنیر پیتزا در ایران

Iran Pizza Cheese Brands List

10/06/2018 siteadmin 0

Iran Pizza Cheese Brands List in Persian بجز برندهای شناخته شده پنیر پیتزا که متعلق به شرکت های بزرگ لبنیاتی می باشند، ده ها تولید کننده دیگر نیز در بازارایران مشغول به فعالیت هستند. این شرکت ها معمولا محصولات تولیدی خود را از طریق شرکت […]

پیتزا مارگاریتا با نان پیتا

Margherita pita bread pizza

02/06/2018 Mr MAP 0

One of the problems with pizza ordering in Tehran is finding a restaurant to order only one or more pizza slices instead of a whole pizza. Some people order the whole pizza and if some stay, they put it in the refrigerator and flick to […]

Pizza Dough

Pizza Dough Recipe

21/05/2018 siteadmin 0

There are different types of pizza dough, this easy dough recipe helps you to make delicious pizza (thin or thick crust pizzas): HOMEMADE PIZZA DOUGH Source: 1-

Mr Pizza

Mr Map is mad about pizza

07/03/2018 siteadmin 0

Probably you don’t know Mr MAP, He is an ordinary man in his forties who loves food a lot. Everybody knows he loves Pizza. He says I am Mad About Pizza!!! Let’s him to tell us his love story: “I haven’t eaten pizza until I was […]